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Gambaran Umum Kamboja Bahasa Resmi : Khmer
Penduduk : 14.8 juta (PBB, 2005)
Suku Bangsa : Khmer, Vietnam, dan sebagian kecil Cina
Mata Uang : Riel (KHR) --- 1 riel = 100 sen
Iklim : Tropis --- Musim: Musim Hujan (Mei sampai Nopember) dan Musim Kemarau (Desember sampai April)
Ibu Kota : Phnom Penh
Kota-kota Utama : Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Kampong Sihanouk, Koh Kong
Wilayah : 181,035 km persegi : Luas Perairan 2.5%
Batas Negara : Laos 541 km (Utara), Thailand 803 km (Barat), Vietnam 1,228 km (Timur), Laut Cina Selatan (Selatan)
Garis Pantai : 443 km
Hari Kemerdekaan : 9 Nopember 1953
Pendapatan Bersih tiap kapita : Rp. 3.800.000,- (Bank Dunia)
Ekspor Utama : Kain, Alat Perikanan, Karet
Negara Tujuan Ekspor Utama : Singapura, Jepang, Jerman, Inggris, Amerika
Impor Utama : Hasil Minyak, Bahan Bangunan, Kendaraan Bermotor, Pakaian
Negara Pengimpor Utama : Thailand, Singapura, Hong Kong, Cina, Korea Selatan
Domain Internet : .kh
Kode SLI : +855
Listrik : 220V AC 50 Hz (sama seperti di Indonesia)
Kendaraan : Sisi Kanan; Perlu SIM Internasional (sama seperti di Indonesia)
Penerbangan Langsung : dari Bangkok, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapura, Ho Chi Minh, Vientiane, Kuala Lumpur, dan Guangzhou
Kerajaan Kamboja, merupakan sebuah negara kerajaan berdasarkan undang-undang di Asia Tenggara dengan jumlah penduduk lebih dari 15 juta jiwa. Penduduk Kamboja sebagian besar memeluk agama Budha Therawada dan berasal dari keturunan Khmer, selain itu juga ada keturunan Champa dan suku perbukitan lain. Negara Kamboja adalah negara pengganti dari Kerajaan Khmer, yang pernah berkuasa di semenanjung Indocina pada abad ke-11 hingga abad ke-14. Negara ini berbatasan dengan Thailand di sebelah Barat, Laos di sebelah Utara, Vietnam di sebelah Timur, dan Teluk Thailand (Laut Cina Selatan) di Selatan. Keadaan alam Kamboja banyak dialiri oleh sungai Mekong (dalam Bahasa Khmer disebut 'Tonle Tom' artinya 'Sungai Besar') dan 'Tonle Sap' (artinya 'Sungai Jernih'), sumber ikan terbanyak bagi Kamboja. Negara Kamboja memiliki 3 partai politik utama, yaitu Partai Rakyat Kamboja, Funcipec, dan Partai Sam Rainsi. Partai Rakyat Kamboja yang dipimpin oleh Perdana Menteri Hun Sen, adalah partai yang berkuasa saat ini. Pada tahun 2004 setelah melakukan musyawarah dalam pertemuan tahunan negara, Partai Rakyat Kamboja dan Partai Kerajaan Funcipec bergabung membentuk kekuatan.
Preah-reach-ana-chak Kampuchea – adalah nama resmi Pemerintah Kerajaan Kamboja. Artinya, Kerajaan Kampuchea. (Huruf asli seperti tertera di atas)
Preah – artinya 'Agung'.
Reach – dari bahasa Sansekerta, artinya 'Raja'.
Ana – dari bahasa Pali, artinya 'Kekuasaan'.
Chak – dari bahasa Sansekerta, artinya 'Roda'.
Srok Khmer – biasa digunakan oleh Orang Khmer dalam menyebut negaranya. Srok artinya 'Wilayah'.
Pra-Tehs Khmer - nama resmi dan dalam penulisan umum. Pra-Tehs artinya 'Negara'.
Pra-Tehs Kampuchea – Kampuchea diambil dari bahasa Sansekerta, 'Kambuja'.
Camboja – dalam bahasa Portugis
Kamboja – dalam bahasa Indonesia
Cambodia – dalam bahasa Inggris
Cambodge – dalam bahasa Perancis
Kambodsha – dalam bahasa Jerman
Camboya – dalam bahasa Spanyol
Cambogia – dalam bahasa Italia Peta Kamboja
Bahasa Kamboja
Belajar Bahasa Kamboja/Khmer Di Sini
Masyarakat Kamboja
Kenali lebih dekat budaya serta kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat di Kamboja
Pariwisata Kamboja
Kenali tempat-tempat wisata yang ada di Kamboja
Kesenian Kamboja
Seperti apa kesenian yang ada di Kamboja?
Apakah seperti yang ada di Indonesia?
Lihat susunan pemerintahan di Kamboja
Jenis: Demokrasi Liberal dengan banyak partai dibawah kekuasaan Raja
Kepala Negara: Raja, Yang Mulia Samdech Preah Baromneath Norodom Sihamoni (terpilih pada 29 Oktober 2004)
Kepala Pemerintahan: Perdana Menteri, Hun Sen (ditunjuk pada 14 Januari 1985, terpilih pada tahun 1998 dan 2003)
Kepala pemerintahan memimpin 7 kementerian utama, 15 kementerian tingkat atas, 28 kementerian, 135 sekretariat negara, dan 146 instansi dibawah sekretariat negara.
Lambang KenegaraanBendera Kamboja
Bendera Kamboja, dirancang sekitar tahun 1850 yang memiliki 3 pita datar, yaitu biru (di atas dan bawahnya) serta merah (di tengah) dengan gambar Angkor Wat di tengahnya. Bendera ini sempat terbengkalai beberapa tahun selama kekuasaan Khmer dan pendudukan Vietnam di Kamboja. Bendera ini dipakai lagi pada tahun 1993 setelah pemilihan umum pertama dengan kembalinya kekuasaan raja. Lambang Negara
Arti: Negara, Agama, Raja
Lagu Kebangsaan: Noko-Reach
Som pouk tepda
Raksa Moha khsath yeung
Oy ban roung roeung
Doy chey monkol serey soursdey
Yeung Kjom preah âng
Som chrok krom molup preah boromey
Ney preah noropdey
Vong khsattra del sang prasat thmor
Kroup kraung den Khmer
Borann thkeung thkann.
Prasath sela
Kombang korn dal prey
Kuor oy sromay
Neuk dol yuos sak moha nokor
Cheat Khmer dauch thmor
Kong vong nov lar or rung peung chom hor
Yeung sâng khem por
Pheup préng samnang robos Kampuchea
Moha roth keut mien
You âng veanh heuy.
Kroup wat aram
Leu ter so sap thoeur
Sot doy am nor
Rom leuk kon poth sasna
Cho yeung chea neak
Choeu chiak smos smak tam bep donta
Kong tè tevada
Neung chuoy chrom chréng phkot phkang pra yoch oy
Dol pratéh Khmer
Chea Moha Nokor. Tuhan melindungi Raja,
Serta memberikan kebahagiaan dan kejayaan,
Untuk memerintah bagi jiwa dan takdir kami,
Seseorang, ahli waris pembangun pemerintah,
Memandu Kerajaan tua yang membanggakan.
Kuil-kuil tertidur di dalam hutan,
Teringat pada kemegahan Maha Nakor,
Seperti batu, bangsa Khmer abadi,
Mari kita percayakan nasib Kampuchea,
Kerajaan yang mampu menantang jaman.
Lagu disenandungkan dari pagoda-pagoda,
Pada kejayaan takdir Budha yang suci,
Mari kita berpegang teguh pada kepercayaan nenek moyang kita.
Maka Tuhan akan memberi karunia yang berlimpah,
Kepada negara Khmer jaman dulu, bernama Maha Nakor.
Sejarah Kamboja
Sejak abad ke-9 sampai abad ke-15, Kamboja pernah menjadi pusat kekuasaan Kerajaan Khmer, yang berpusat di Angkor. Angkor Wat (Candi Angkor), kuil ibadah utama Kerajaan Khmer, merupakan lambang Kamboja yang mencerminkan kemegahan kerajaan lampau sebagai kekuatan dunia, dan menjadi tempat wisata utama di Negara Kamboja hingga saat ini. Kamboja pernah menjadi Daerah Perlindungan Perancis (jajahan Perancis) sejak tahun 1863 sampai negeri ini memperoleh kemerdekaan pada tahun 1953. Pada tahun 1941 sampai 1945, Kamboja pernah diduduki oleh Tentara Jepang dalam Perang Dunia II. Kemudian pada tahun 1950 sampai tahun 1960-an, negara ini berada di bawah kekuasaan Raja Norodom Sihanouk, saat negara ini berada di dalam kegentingan untuk mempertahankan ketidak berpihakannya melawan Vietnam Selatan dan Vietnam Utara.
Pada tahun 1969, Amerika memulai serangan-serangan bom untuk menghancurkan markas-markas komunis yang ada di Kamboja. Kamboja terus diserang hingga tahun 1973. Sekitar 30.000 sampai 500.000 orang menjadi korban jiwa selama hujan bom tersebut. Selama tahun 1970 sampai 1980-an, negara ini dipenuhi oleh perang antar kelompok masyarakat, karena yang berkuasa saat itu adalah tentara Khmer yang juga Agro-Komunis, bahkan kejadian seperti pembantaian dan sebagainya sangat sering terjadi. Selama masa pendudukan Tentara Khmer, dijalankan pembantaian terhadap para cerdik pandai, para penentang paham Karl Marx, dan beberapa rakyat yang tak berdosa lainnya. Jutaan orang mengungsi hingga ke perbatasan Thailand.
Vietnam menyerang pada tahun 1978 dan Amerika melakukan pelarangan kegiatan terhadap seluruh pemerintah yang mendukung Vietnam. Tentara Khmer dibantu oleh Amerika untuk tetap memiliki kursi di Dewan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, dan memberi pembelaan bahwa kekuasaan Pol Pot masih merupakan pemerintahan yang sah di Kamboja. Setelah campur tangan yang dilakukan oleh PBB, pada tahun 1970 sampai 1980an, Kamboja mulai mendapat keamanan dan mulai membangun kembali sarana dan prasarana negara yang sempat hancur selama kekejaman terjadi.
Wilayah Kamboja
Kamboja dibagi menjadi 20 propinsi (khett) dan 4 Kotapraja (krong). Masing-masing dibagi lagi ke dalam Kecamatan (srok), Kelurahan (khum), Kabupaten (khett), dan juga Kepulauan (koh).
Kotapraja (Krong): Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville (Kampong Som), Pailin, dan Kep.
Propinsi (Khett): Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Kampong Cham, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom, Kampot, Kandal, Koh Kong, Kratié, Mondulkiri, Oddar Meancheay, Pursat, Preah Vihear, Prey Veng, Ratanakiri, Siem Reap, Stung Treng, Svay Rieng, dan Takéo.
Kepulauan (Koh): Koh Sess, Koh Polaway, Koh Rong, Koh Thass, Koh Treas, Koh Traolach, Koh Tral, dan Koh Tan.
Keadaan Alam Kamboja
Cambodia has an area of about 181,040 square kilometers, sharing an 800-kilometer border with Thailand on the north and west, a 541-kilometer border with Laos on the northeast, and a 1,228-kilometer border with Vietnam on the east and southeast. It has 443 kilometers of coastline along the Gulf of Thailand. The most distinctive geographical feature is the lacustrine plain formed by the inundations of the Tonle Sap (Great Lake), measuring about 2,590 square kilometers during the dry season and expanding to about 24,605 square kilometers during the rainy season. This densely populated plain, which is devoted to wet rice cultivation, is the heartland of Cambodia. Most (about 75 percent) of the country lies at elevations of less than 100 meters above sea level, the exceptions being the Cardamom Mountains (highest elevation 1,813 meters) and their southeast extension the Dâmrei Mountains ("Elephant Mountains") (elevation range 500-1,000 meters), as well the steep escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains (average elevation 500 meters) along the border with Thailand's Isan region. The highest elevation of Cambodia is Phnom Aoral, near Pursat in the center of the country, at 1,813 meters (5,948 feet) above sea-level. Temperatures range from 10°C to 38°C and Cambodia experiences tropical monsoons. Southwest monsoons blowing inland bring moisture-laden winds from the Gulf of Thailand and Indian Ocean from May to October, and the country experiences the heaviest precipitation from September to October. The northeast monsoon ushers in the dry season, which lasts from November to March, with the driest period from January to February.
Politik Kamboja
Cambodia underwent turbulent events from the 1970s until the early 1990s, when elections, administered by the United Nations, were held. Ever since then, Cambodia has enjoyed greater stability and peace. One effect of this was the smooth transition when King Sihanouk abdicated in favor of his son Norodom Sihamoni on October 14, 2004. Cambodia is now a constitutional monarchy where executive power is held by the prime minister. The head of the state is the king, who reigns but does not govern. Although in the Khmer language there are many words meaning "king", the word officially used in Khmer (as found in the 1993 Cambodian Constitution) is preahmâhaksat, which literally means: preah- ("sacred", cognate of the Indian word Brahmin) -mâha- (from Sanskrit, meaning "great", cognate with "maha-" in maharaja) -ksat ("warrior, ruler", cognate of the Indian word Kshatriya). On the occasion of HM King Norodom Sihanouk's retirement in October 2004, the Cambodian National Assembly coined a new word for the retired king: preahmâhaviraksat, where vira comes from Sanskrit vi-ra, meaning "brave or eminent man, hero, chief", cognate of Latin vir, viris, English virile. Preahmâhaviraksat is translated into English as "King-Father" (French: Roi-Père), although the word "father" does not appear in the Khmer noun. As preahmâhaviraksat, Norodom Sihanouk retains many of the prerogatives he formerly held as preahmâhaksat and is a highly respected and listened-to figure. Thus, in effect, Cambodia can be described as a country with two heads of state: an official one, the preahmâhaksat Norodom Sihamoni, and an unofficial one, the preahmâhaviraksat Norodom Sihanouk. The legislature comprises a 61-member appointed Senate and a 123-member lower house, the National Assembly, elected under proportional representation by popular vote for 5 year terms. The judiciary is very weak, since only a handful of lawyers and judges were left alive, the rest being killed during the rule of the Khmer Rouge. Hun Sen of the Cambodian People's Party, or CPP, ousted his former co-prime minister, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, son of Prince Sihanouk and brother of current King Sihamoni, in a short but bloody civil war between the two coalition partners in 1997. The CPP won the elections in 1998, and formed a coalition with FUNCINPEC, Ranariddh's royalist party, but with Hun Sen as sole prime minister. In the 2003 National Assembly elections, the CPP won 73 seats with 47% of the vote, the opposition-liberal Sam Rainsy Party won 24 seats (22%), and FUNCINPEC won 26 seats (21%). Eleven women were among those elected. Following a year long deadlock during which FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party united to oppose the CPP, and thus prevented it from forming a government, FUNCINPEC switched sides and joined with the CPP, allowing it to control the two thirds of the seats in the National Assembly needed to form a government.
Ekonomi Kamboja
Despite the recent progress, the Cambodian economy continues to suffer from the effects of decades of civil war and internal strife. The per capita income, is rapidly increasing, but is low compared with other countries in the region. Most rural households depend on agriculture and its related sub-sectors. Rice, fish, timber, garments and rubber are Cambodia's major exports, and the United States, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Malaysia are its major export partners. The recovery of Cambodia's economy slowed dramatically in 1997-1998 due to the regional economic crisis, civil violence, and political infighting. Foreign investment and tourism also fell off drastically. Since then however, growth has been steady. In 1999, the first full year of peace in 30 years, progress was made on economic reforms and growth resumed at 5.0%. Despite severe flooding, GDP grew at 5.0% in 2000, 6.3% in 2001, and 5.2% in 2002. Tourism was Cambodia's fastest growing industry, with arrivals increasing from 219,000 in 1997 to 1,055,000 in 2004. During 2003 and 2004 the growth rate remained steady at 5.0%, while in 2004 inflation was at 1.7% and exports at $1.6 billion US dollars. As of 2004 GDP per Capita was $1900 USD, which ranked it 175th (out of 232) countries. The population lacks education and productive skills, particularly in the poverty-ridden countryside, which suffers from an almost total lack of basic infrastructure. Fear of renewed political instability and corruption within the government discourage foreign investment and delay foreign aid. The government is addressing these issues with assistance from bilateral and multilateral donors.
Masyarakat Kamboja
Cambodia is ethnically homogeneous, as more than 90% of its population is of Khmer origin and speaks the Khmer language, the country's official language. The remainder include Chinese, Vietnamese, Cham and Khmer Loeu. The Khmer language is a member of the Mon-Khmer subfamily of the Austroasiatic language group. French is spoken by many Cambodians as a second-language and is often the language of instruction in various schools and universities. Cambodian French is a dialect found in Cambodia. It is also frequently used in government. However, in recent decades, many younger Cambodians, as well as members of the business-classes, have favored learning English and it is gradually becoming the more widely-known. Theravada Buddhism, suppressed by Khmer Rouge but now revived, is the main religion, but Christianity is spreading in the country.
Budaya Kamboja
Khmer culture, as developed and spread by the Khmer empire, has distinctive styles of dance, architecture and sculpture which have strongly influenced neighbouring Laos and Thailand. Notable recent artistic figures include the singers Sinn Sisamouth, who introduced new musical styles to the country, and later Meng Keo Pichenda. Bonn Om Teuk (Water Festival), the annual boat rowing contest, is the biggest Cambodian holiday. The festival is held at the end of the rainy season when the Mekong river begins to sink back to its normal levels. Approximately 10% of Cambodia's population attends this event each year. Popular games include kicking a sey, which is similar to a hacky sack, cockfighting and soccer. Rice, as in other South East Asian countries, is the staple grain, while fish from the Mekong and Tonle Sap also form an important part of the diet. The Cambodian per capita supply of fish and fish products for food and trade in 2000 was 20 kg of fish per year or 2 oz. per day per person.. Some of the fish can be made into prahok (a Khmer delicacy) for longer storage. Overall, the cuisine of Cambodia is similar to that of its Southeast Asian neighbours. The cuisine is relatively unknown to the world compared to that of its neighbors Thailand and Vietnam, but has been described not as spicy as Thai cuisine and similar to other Southeast Asia cuisines.
Ajaran-ajaran umum di Kamboja meliputi:
Jika seseorang tidak bangun sebelum terbit matahari, maka dia adalah pemalas;
Harus selalu memberitahu orang tua atau kakak pergi ke mana, dan jam berapa kembali;
Duduk harus biasa kaki ke bawah dan tidak disilangkan (menyilangkan kaki menunjukkan tidak sopan);
Mempersilahkan orang lain untk berbicara terlebih dahulu.
Sama seperti di Indonesia, Budaya Khmer memperhatikan tingkatan seseorang berdasarkan umur seseorang, semakin tua umur seseorang maka semakin kita menghormati mereka.